Quality and Service












Our Commitment To You

We commit to providing reliable, quality service and to remain accessible to our subscribers. If you have any questions, please contact us. For general information, call:
262-563-9352, Mon-Fri. 8-5pm.

If you have questions about our service or have a suggestion for us, please contact us at:
Email: customerservice@hiercommnetworks.net

Phone: (262) 563-9352

US Mail:
HierComm Networks, LLC
3215 Golf Rd., Suite 140
Delafield, WI 53018


Sign Up with HierComm Networks, Inc.


To get broadband Internet access from us, please give us the following information.




Subscriber Type
Subscriber/Contact First Name
Subscriber/Contact Last Name
Mailing Address Line 1
Mailing Address Line 2
Mailing City/Town
Mailing State
Mailing Postal Code
Phone Number
Current Email Address
Organization Name
Service Plan